meeting santa

Monday, December 20, 2010

no smiles, but at least there weren't any tears
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3 months

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

happy 3 months, sweet girl
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honk honk, choo choo look who's two

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i had a blast with elijah's "all things with wheels" party.
he is in absolute love with trains, planes, bikes, and cars so we had all of his friends over for a riding party. we closed off the street and let them loose.

he dove face first, no hands into his cake

WOW! now where to put it all

deserted bikes for cupcake time

juju and pops got e a train table, needless to say it is a major hit
grandpa and grandma got him a thomas play tent, he will not let me put it away- loves it

total elation

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happy birthday, angel

Friday, December 3, 2010

just two years ago today, you came into our lives. you are truly amazing!
you have brought us immeasurable joy. your energy and laughter is infectious.
i love you more than you will ever know

every good and perfect gift comes from above.
james 1:17
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deck the halls

i love decorating for christmas, growing up our mom always decorated the house friday after thanksgiving, so now i do too. she is where i got my love of design and creativity.
i love making bunting/ penants
so this year i decided i didn't want to move that huge pot, so i simply stuffed my tree in it. i like it, and it keeps little fingers a bit further away

so, at my craft club night i started making this wreath, which i'm quite happy with, but i left that night with it half done and i'm pretty sure everyone thought it was a just awful.
i copied it from this blog, it's strips of polar fleece hot glued to a wreath form.
super easy, super cheap

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patrick the builder

since moving into this house we have wanted a deck out back, our old "quaint" rock patio was a danger zone. everyone was always tripping, or nearly falling out the back door because the stairs were at an angle. it was a liability.
seriously, a danger zone
patrick and garrett jackhammered the entire patio so that the deck would be perfectly level.

the last board!

it is perfect! i love it! my husband is amazing!

i am so proud of patrick, he can do anything he sets his mind to.
thank you garrett, you are awesome

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turkey day

Thursday, December 2, 2010

it wouldn't be thanksgiving morning without juju's famous cinnamon rolls.
eli planning his black friday shopping route
climbing trees at nanny and papa's
mom always sets the most beautiful tables

great grandma mimi

these lights were practically in grandma and grandpa's front yard.
salado is such a fun town!
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