iris amelia blanton

Sunday, September 12, 2010

our precious gift from God was born wednesday morning

9.8.10 @ 7:16 am

7 lb 1 oz 19 in long


labor was exactly what i had hoped for.

i was able to labor at home. i was restless all night so didn't sleep a wink, then contractions started regularly about 4 am, but weren't extremely painful. i decided to wake patrick up about 4:45 when they were 3-5 minutes apart. he helped me labor until my mom was practically pacing the house begging me to go to the hospital! we loaded up and arrived at the hospital just after
6 am. i was definitely in heavy labor, the nurse insisted on checking my progress and to my surprise i was 8 centimeters and ready to start pushing. my sweet doc arrived at 6:50 and our angel was born at 7:16 am. she came out with her eyes wide open.
it was so joyful.

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Jeanette said...

She's beautiful! I love her~ (her hat is adorable too!!!)

Sarah Thompson said...

Congrats! She is just perfect! Oh and way to go on the natural labor! So glad everything went to great!

Kelly said...

She is absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to meet her. Congrats to your little family ~

Daniel and Sena said...

Oh Lord, please give me a delivery like that one! I'm so happy for you guys, and Irid is absolutely beautiful!