12 days old

Monday, September 20, 2010

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sticker fun

eli is lovin' stickers these days, and his juju taught him to stick them on his face.

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iris amelia blanton

Sunday, September 12, 2010

our precious gift from God was born wednesday morning

9.8.10 @ 7:16 am

7 lb 1 oz 19 in long


labor was exactly what i had hoped for.

i was able to labor at home. i was restless all night so didn't sleep a wink, then contractions started regularly about 4 am, but weren't extremely painful. i decided to wake patrick up about 4:45 when they were 3-5 minutes apart. he helped me labor until my mom was practically pacing the house begging me to go to the hospital! we loaded up and arrived at the hospital just after
6 am. i was definitely in heavy labor, the nurse insisted on checking my progress and to my surprise i was 8 centimeters and ready to start pushing. my sweet doc arrived at 6:50 and our angel was born at 7:16 am. she came out with her eyes wide open.
it was so joyful.

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daddy's birthday

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

saturday we wished patrick a happy early birthday (wanted to celebrate him before iris was here) by going down to gruene and eating at the grist mill, we absolutely love this place.
the original plan was for all of us to watch him and jordan tumble down a grassy hill in a human sized sphere, but it had rained the day prior and they won't roll in the rain. the boys were able to go on sunday, check out their video on youtube titled patrick sphere ride.
we had a wonderful family day!

E got to sport his new kicks

just looking for some cool bugs
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11 amazing years

Patrick and I celebrated 11 amazing years of marriage august 21st. we had a romantic night that started at Hudson's on the Bend (one of our favorite spots), then stayed over night at the renaissance hotel. we stayed up late and slept even later. it was wonderful. i love you patrick,
you are my best friend

our sweet friend Lindsey works in sales for the hotel and arranged for champagne (ok, it was actually pregger friendly cider) and chocolate covered strawberries and cheesecake.
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