Fun Times

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Patrick and I decided we should take a relaxing vacation before the baby came since sleep will be hard to come by then. I am now 4 months pregnant and feeling great so it was the perfect time to travel. We enjoyed a 7 night cruise to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel.
It was absolutely perfect!!!!!!
Seriously gorgeous water!
These little critters just roam around without a care in the world.

I was in heaven.
That mani/ pedi lasted beautifully the entire 7 days, of course the day we returned and I had to do the dishes it was destroyed.

This wonderful gentleman personally drove us around Montego Bay, it was amazing. He was a genuine Rasta, it was fascinating learning about his culture.

Don't we look relaxed and happy?
(Yes, I am wearing clothes)!
We did a lot of this.

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taking care of baby

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Since we will have a new baby in the house this September I thought it would be a good idea to get E his own baby doll to take care of. He loves his cabbage patch doll, Aden, E sits on the couch and hugs and loves on him. I'm hoping this will be a reflection of his treatment towards his new baby brother/ sister.
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we're having a baby!!

Can you believe it has taken me 12 weeks to blog this amazing announcement? Well, we are indeed pregnant and can't wait to meet our new miracle!
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bumps and bruises

We have the most dreadful steps to get down to our backyard and E is obsessed with them. I was sitting about 2 steps away from him when in the blink of an eye he decided to climb them, turn around and wave "hi, hi" and proceed to loose his balance. This is by no means his first tumble but for me the most traumatic. He certainly got over it very quickly
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my boys

I was going through some old photos recently and came across this sweet pic of my boys. E's feet were so small, and I love that they both wear converse.

snow day

Friday, March 5, 2010

this was a memorable day, we had such a sweet time playing in the beautiful snow. We stayed home all day and did nothing but play outside, rest, and play outside some more.

E is very serious about digging right here.
both babies were done with the snow, Elijah climbed up on the stairs and Payton cried.
So cute.

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