happy 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

oh how i will miss Christmas

this has been the best Christmas yet. 
Christ filled our home with joy. this was a beautiful, busy, and fun season.
 i will miss it.

christmas day

really it's christmas morning and we couldn't get them to both smile at the same time. seriously.

christmas cuteness

this was not at all a set up photo shoot, i was actually putting up lights and my kids actually never wear clothes at home.

 this is my favorite smile, i never ever capture it.  she loves her brother.


isn't my momma beautiful!

polar express

for robert's birthday we all went on the cedar park flyer polar express.  robert has a passion for trains and lucky for him so do all of his sweet grandkids.  this was a fun memory.
just look at the excitement on elijah's face, hilarious.

e's 3rd birthday

so this year i asked elijah to pick what theme he wanted for his birthday party.  he is in a serious dinosaur faze, it's really cute.  well, i had grand plans until the weather took over. so the party was moved to our home.  we had 22 kids and their moms- wow.
fun blur of a memory.