let the demo begin

Monday, June 13, 2011

the new casa

so here it is in all of it's "before" 1970's glory

this courtyard is one of our favorite things about this house, it's going to be a very cozy place to relax someday

right now it's a bit of a rock garden

the entry- kitchen to the left bedrooms to the right living room straight away

the kitchen came with avocado green appliances and a pink soffit

the living and dining room

the family room and sliding doors to the back yard

very dark and green half bath, just off garage and laundry room

another very dark but this time very yellow hall bath

master bedroom- that's my sewing room in the back

master bath

sewing room

it's going to be an amazing family home.

stay tuned for all of the demo and before and afters

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Friday, June 3, 2011

so in our rental we don't have a washer or dryer hooked up for a couple of different reasons so we have been forced to visit our local laundry mat.

washatopia- their slogan is

making laundry heavenly.....if that's possible

well i would never say laundry is heavenly but when you bring the entire family and manage to get 12 loads of laundry washed, dried, & folded in only a couple of hours and everyone is smiling, that's pretty close.

they have free cianfranni coffee, tv, and a play area for the kiddos, this just might become our summer hang out

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boy in a basket

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

E, you just make life fun

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dedication day

i am super behind on blogging....

we dedicated our sweet baby girl on mother's day, what a beautiful memory.

we promise to raise you up in a Christ centered home in hopes that you will come to know our most precious saviour at an early age.

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