8 months

Friday, May 13, 2011

she's already 8 months old! it's really hard for me to believe!

she is utter joy, such a happy girl

ash and i had a lot of fun taking pics of our girls this morning. our mom thought this old train depot would be perfect, and it was.

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super heros...to the rescue!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

boys love superheros, i love it. elijah is always running around the house in his cape , throwing his arm in the air and yelling "to the rescue"!

this was a playdate with some good friends, how awesome are these boys!!

doesn't my elijah's red hair peeking out of his iron man mask make you giggle?

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royal wedding

my sweet friend bari hosted a royal wedding party, i thought she was crazy. i mean a party that starts at 5 am is insane right!? well it was a blast! she had tea and scones and we all showed up sans makeup in our pj's. it was a great memory.


Monday, May 2, 2011

we had an amazing Easter, powerful service, and a wonderful time with family.

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peep love

peeps are my favorite candy, i love them!

i am so excited that my son shares the same love!

i have wonderful memories of Easter morning as a child, we would run out of our rooms before church to see what the bunny had brought us. i want my babies to have the same sweet memories.
juju hopped over to deliver a basket to each kiddo.
e was so proud of his new george dvd.

the Easter bunny brought him a new marble maze, awesome!

i (i mean, the Easter bunny) found a few of the sweetest vintage books at book pride for their baskets

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old town egg hunt

second annual old town Easter egg hunt hosted by our sweet friends brandon and lindsey collier.

the kiddos had a blast. the colliers hid tons of eggs, eli couldn't even stop eating candy long enough to smile for a pic.

"so...how's that finger taste"?
just looking for more peeps

evie is four days old here, doesn't ash look beautiful?!

i can't get over how big he looks here.
check out the bare feet, this kid is always taking his shoes off

hey guys don't leave

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