welcome to this world

Thursday, April 28, 2011

she is perfection, i loved her the instant i saw her!!

eli asks for baby evie everyday, he is very sweet with her

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

well, it's sold. our first home as a family. we are packing up and moving to our rental this saturday. it's bittersweet, i'm going to miss certain things about this home but i am so excited to move on and see what God has in store for us.

patrick and i have felt for quite some time that the Lord has wanted us to live below our means so that we are able to give more and save more.

we have a contract on a great house but we won't be able to move into it for several months, so we get to move twice, with two kiddos, and the texas heat. buying and selling old homes takes so much more time than newer ones, we actually sold our home the first part of march, and close may 5th. we hope to close on our new one the first part of june, but since our rental is available we decided to move now so that we can take our time.

i will keep posting about the crazy times to come