
Saturday, October 30, 2010

elijah helped me plant a winter garden, took a bit longer than planned. he liked to pull the plants out after i planted them. we planted a salad garden, collard greens, cabbage, brussell sprouts, and refreshed our herb garden with sage, basil, and parsley.
we'll keep you posted

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daddy's girl

so while i was working out in my shop during nap time i caught patrick taking pics of our precious baby girl, so sweet. i think he captured her in the most angelic state, don't you?
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the great pumpkin patch

Saturday, October 23, 2010

on our way to the local pumpkin patch. Ashley made the kiddos the cutest halloween tops, and they deserved to be photographed!
by they way this photo shoot was insanely chaotic, two two year olds an infant and one pregnant chic- wow!
not exactly what i had pictured in my head but they turned out pretty cute.
eli and payton love holding hands

e was actually posing for me


she is an angel, and very patient with her bro and cuz

payton loves to pose and be photographed,

one month old

Friday, October 15, 2010

iris is already one month old, time is flying by.

she is eating and gaining weight like a champ.

sleeping 3 - 4 hours at a time (i'm tired).

she smiles, although probably not intentionally.

she is most happy when she is being held or worn in her sling.

her daddy is the best swaddler in the world, she does not like it when mommy does it.

elijah is beginning to warm up to her.

we are smitten, she is a miracle!!

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oh to be a toddler

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ash and i were enjoying a lovely lunch on the patio of down the alley bistro and before we tasted our first bite our kiddos were soaking wet and muddy from stomping around the waterfall. it was messy but adorable.

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he's warming up to her

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thomas and friends

Saturday, October 2, 2010

thomas left the island of sodor and tooted on over to burnet texas! twenty one bucks a ticket, a weird 25 minute backwards train ride, and lots and lots of people= the best day ever!

e's good friends landon and lincoln

showing off his thomas tattoo
waving good bye to the crowd as the train takes off

ms. jellybean, she made the coolest balloon animals

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cannon is 1

my wonderful friend lindsey threw the most fantastic first birthday bash for her son cannon.
it was cowboy themed and she thought of everything! bar b q and beer, miniature ponies, craft station for the kiddos, even a custom made "wanted" poster of cannon.

so stinkin' cute

miniature ponies, wow!!!!
ash took all of these pics because i had iris strapped to me and was too hot to even think about taking pictures, but i have been practicing my editing skills on them.
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sweet baby toes

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