the shed

Sunday, June 13, 2010

i never thought i would be so excited about a shed! as you know we have been project crazy over here, we had new insulation blown into our attic so all of its contents are currently in iris' room, and will now soon be moved to this amazing new shed that patrick's very talented brother built for us. isn't adorable? i did not like any of the pre-built ones so we designed this little number, it blends into the yard nicely.

last board!!!
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fun at grandma & papa's

we had dinner at e's grandma and papa's house in salado last night. elijah loves playing with his cousins and especially loves digging in the dirt.
adam has been practicing his winking skills
elijah loves giving hugs, and i love it when i can capture his sweet nature on camera
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B&A iris' furniture

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

i found this dresser on craigslist (yes, i might have a problem) and knew it would be a fantastic changing table, the dimensions are perfect!

i painted it a pale yellow (looks much more yellow in person)

i dreamed of using these knobs for my future baby girl before i was even pregnant

this was the nightstand in the old guestroom, it was a dark walnut color.

i am trying my best not to go too over the top with the flowers, but i am finding it very difficult!

more of iris' room to come.......
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B&A office/ guest room

our guest room before was cute, but not the best use of space with baby iris coming soon.

we decided to store the bed at patrick's parents since it has sentimental value for us and replace it with a pull out sofa, which i found on craigslist for 200 bucks (it retails for $699).

we designed a customized desk that would accommodate both of us at the same time as well as store our insane amount of electronics. notice, you can't see any cords!

we love it, and these windows let in beautiful light.
now on to iris' room!
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memorial with juju and pops

Friday, June 4, 2010

we spent thursday through monday relaxing at juju and pops' condo. a long weekend of total relaxation and non stop fun. e had the time of his life.

popsicle- check
sunhat- check
muscle t- check
swimsuit and flip flops- check
bubbles before bedtime
we swam everyday
snacks on the couch with daddy.
he crawled up there all on his own.
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relaxing on LBJ

e loves his pops
hi mommy!
Patrick was practicing his rodeo tubing
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sweet berry farm

over the memorial weekend we met up with some sweet friends and their kiddos at the sweet berry farm. such a fun place. elijah ate most of his berries before they made it to the box
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now that it feels like 145 degrees outside popcicles are quickly becoming a daily treat. i watched a couple of elijah's friends last week and we had a very messy time together.
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