valentine's day party

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Every Thursday Juju and I take the kids to the library for story time, last Thursday was a special Valentine's Day party. We met up with Payton's friend Aspen and enjoyed some stories, cupcakes, coloring, and running around. It was a blast.
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hangin' with dad

E loves to crawl up on the couch while his Daddy is playing video games and just sit with him, it is precious! Yes, that is an apple he loves apples.
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oh boy!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I was in the kitchen and before I knew it E had unraveled the hall bath toilet paper all the way into the kitchen. I know as a responsible parent I should not laugh and take pictures, but he was just too cute.
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we are finally finished!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Patrick and I have officially completed our first investment property. It was a ton of work, but definately worth it.
the entire house walls, ceilings, and trim were painted this lovely shade of Smurf blue
I know this fan is beautiful, but Patrick and I decided it was a bit taste specific!
And the rooster wall paper, a perfect compliment
before: gross
there were grease splatters all over the cabinets
Blue paint gone. Now a calming shade of tan with clean white trim.
I didn't get a before of the bathroom, but believe me you would not have wanted to use it!
The faux green marble wainscoting is gone and the coordinating blue vinyl floors, gone.
Now I would proudly use this bathroom!
after: clean appliances, fresh clean paint everywhere, new faucet.
much better
No more blue
The three bedrooms are pretty much the same, they all had these horrible vertical venetian apartment blinds as closet doors. Yes, it was as ugly as you are imagining.
Wish you could have seen the before, the brick was yellow/orange, and the yard was overgrown.
We painted everything, added shutters, new light, mailbox, numbers. It's a complete transformation, and we had fun doing it (although, I did get a bit tired and nearly painted my hands off)