happy halloween

Saturday, October 31, 2009

We're off to see the wizard........
E had a fantastic first Halloween! We love dressing up and this year was no exception. We had a blast as the crew from Oz. We spent the evening with our dear friends Lindsey and Brandon, their sweet new baby Cannon, and Mom and Dad. We had a terrific time walking historic Main street and then watching the game and eating at the Colliers.
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costume day at the library

Thursday morning Mom and I took the kiddos to Costume day at the library. They had a blast listening to Mr. Puppet and exploring. This might just have to be a tradition.

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just because

Friday, October 30, 2009

My friend Lauren took this photo, and I just love it. We had such a beautiful time that day.
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lazy lake day

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We had a wonderful laid back day at the condo Saturday (post ER visit, see Auntie's blog). We stayed in our Pj's all day, watched two movies, and the kids took two naps, perfect.

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eye love this kid

Thursday, October 15, 2009

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And we're off...

Elijah and I just got back from visiting my best friend Lauren in Denver. We had the best time just talking, shopping, eating, and enjoying God's majestic beauty. The mountains are absolutely amazing!

The morning after we arrived they had a snowfall. Elijah was not a fan. Other than this experience he was a happy baby boy.
We miss you already
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kitchen before

So these are our before floors, cracking and dirty. Patrick, myself, Jacob, and Garrett chiseled all of the tile and backer board off until it was clean enough to eat off of. It was an incredibly dusty job. Garrett also built us beautiful and useful bench seats with storage.

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kitchen after

And after. We love it! Patrick installed these floors completely on his own, and did a perfect job. Cork floors are wonderfully soft and super friendly to our planet. Even more friendly because I found them used on Craigslist! We use our new eating area everyday, very cozy.
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favorite new place

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Elijah loves to pull up on the windows in the dining room and just gaze into the backyard, it is adorable. By the way, check out those curls!
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on the move

It's official, we have a crawler/ cruiser. E loves to play in his room, he will take every single book off of his ledges then cruise on over to his table a throw everything off that as well. Life has gotten more interesting.

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the coolest red head that ever was

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ok, cousin Kendall has done it again. This is E's 9 month photo session, his blue eyes and huge smile are just so stinkin' cute. Kendall always captures his sweet personality so beautifully. If you are in need of a family photographer send her a comment on her blog
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more of the coolest red head that ever was

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