oh what a night

Friday, August 28, 2009

Patrick and I had the most wonderful night. We started out with an anniversary photo shoot at Lake Austin then headed to Peter Pan Put Put for some nostalgic first date fun and then on to burgers and fries at Shady Grove. We were blissfully driving home about 11pm when we got a flat tire on I-35, oh well we had a laugh. We were able to continue our anniversary fun into Saturday morning with a mountain bike ride at Lake Georgetown.

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a decade together

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thank you for 10 beautiful years. You are an amazing husband, best friend, spiritual leader, and father. I love you.

bathtime fun

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Elijah loves watching the bath water run, in fact he loves it so much he decided he wanted to pull up and check it out for himself.

He also loves to plop over on his belly and kick and laugh during bath time.

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ugliest outfit ever!

Recently Ashley watched Elijah for me, and while I was out Auntie and Paytie decided it would be fun to play dress up. Well, I think they did a super job finding the worst outfit ever. Poor baby Elijah.
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kids club

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Patrick and I were able to be involved with Kids Club this year, the experience was awesome! It was truly amazing to see God's hand in every detail. The teenagers did an amazing job. The first day we had nearly 60 kids, and each day a few more. I was privileged to help with serving lunch and passing out food to some of the mother's that would come, it was a fun and exhausting week.

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independence day at lake lbj

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grampa's tractor

Elijah and Grampa are best buds, over the Fourth of July weekend they shared a tractor ride together. Before I know it Elijah will be driving the tractor (tears, sniffles)!
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