poor forgotten chloe

Monday, April 27, 2009

Our first child Chloe has been feeling a bit left out recently, so I thought she deserved a post! She has been such a good big sis to baby Elijah, she even loves to sleep on his boppy. She follows Elijah and I around the house almost never leaving our side. You're a good dog Chlobo.

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My first Easter

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This Easter was amazing, we were able to share such a joyful day with both sides of our families. I praise Jesus for the amazing sacrifice He made for us and His saving grace. God is Good.

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Believe it or not, this is the best shot out of the bunch! Bless child photographers.

Paytie is blowing cousin E a kiss, awwww

My Grandma is the best!

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bluebonnets and babies

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Texas tradition of bluebonnet pictures in Easter outfits is a must, but this year it was incredibly difficult to find any. This patch worked but, it was very small. I think Ash and I were more entertained than the babies!

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biking in blora

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Patrick and I have a passion for mountain biking, there is nothing like it. We have made so many wonderful memories together riding. Saturday we dropped the kiddo off at his Grandma and Grandpa's house in Salado and headed to BLORA (Belton lake outdoor recreation area) and rode for a couple of hours. The weather was beautiful, it was a wonderful day.

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